Logo of LOQW
Learning Opportunities/Quality Works, Inc.


On the job supports and consultation designed to support an individual to acquire the skills necessary to be successful at work.

Job Development & Recruitment

Job Site Training & Retention Services

A process designed to assist job seekers in securing employment that matches their skills, interests, and preferences.

Employment Services

LOQW believes that all individuals with disabilities who want to work CAN work and contribute to their community when given opportunity, training, and supports that build on an individual’s strengths, conditions, and preferences. Our expectation is that everyone of working age and those supporting them should consider work as their first option as fully participating members of their community, and should build on career planning and engage in work that makes sense to them.

Career Planning

A discovery process and validation of an individual's skills, interests and support needs as they relate to work.

A program to support students ages 14-21 to gain the skills necessary to transition from school to work. See more about Transitions.